W-SS Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod

Eestiga ja Eesti üksustega seotud lahingud ...
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Adam CZ
Postitusi: 74
Liitunud: P Mai 04, 2014 6:46 pm
Asukoht: Czech Republic

W-SS Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod

Postitus Postitas Adam CZ »

I have a question, do you have any informations and photos of Eesti Leegioni 1. Sanitaride in Havlíčkův Brod? I know just two photos from FB which I located and I found in Czech sources location of school in building of the Academician Stanislav Bechyn Secondary School of Construction, street Jihlavská 628. But I dont know more info. Thank you

https://mapy.cz/turisticka?pano=1&pid=9 ... 23634&z=19

The history of the building itself is a few years older, the beginning of its construction dates back to the end of 1939 on the site of the demolition of the inn "U slunce". During the turbulent war years, the building was not easy to build and even before its completion it was seized in 1942 for an SS weapons school and in May 1945 it was used as a German summary court.
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Adam CZ
Postitusi: 74
Liitunud: P Mai 04, 2014 6:46 pm
Asukoht: Czech Republic

Re: W-SS Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod

Postitus Postitas Adam CZ »

Photos from Facebook groups.

First photo is from EESTI PILDID TUVASTAMISEKS group. The photo was taken on the roof of street Jihlavská 9

https://mapy.cz/turisticka?pano=1&pid=9 ... 36766&z=19

Second photo is from Eesti vanad fotod group. The photo was taken in front of the house in Smetanovo náměstí 7.

https://mapy.cz/turisticka?pano=1&sourc ... &ds=1&z=17
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 8257
Liitunud: P Aug 07, 2005 6:03 pm

Re: W-SS Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod

Postitus Postitas uscha »

Here is a group photo of the 20. Estonian Division men who studied in the Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod. The U.Stuf. next to the Spiess with "Wiking" cufftitle is Harald Jakob Kornel. Do You know the location where this photo was taken?

The photo is very interesting because of the uniform and insignia details aswell - a lot of soldiers are wearing M42 and M43 Wehrmacht tunics, one guy has LW "Estland" shield on his sleeve. At least one man has a small W-SS cap eagle on the sleeve and it looks like one of the soldiers has pre war W-SS Panzer beret / cap eagle on the sleeve. Most of them look like fresh recruits - missing any awards.

Grupifoto eestlastest, kes õppisid Deutsch-Brod'i W-SS sanitaride koolis. Ees reas "Wiking" käiselindiga Spiess'i vasakul käel on U.Stuf. Harald Jakob Kornel.

Fotol on palju huvitavaid detaile - suurem osa meestest kannab W-SS embleemidega WH kuubesid. Ühel sõduril on Luftwaffe "Estland" kirjaga kilp, vähemalt ühel on väike välimütsi kotkas õmmeldud varrukale ja ühel tundub olevat tüüpilisest varrukakotkast suurem ennesõjaaegne W-SS tankivägede bareti kotkas. Kõik tunduvad olema värskelt mobiliseeritud, sest autasusid või autasulinte on näha ainult mõnel üksikul sõduril.
Kasutaja avatar
Adam CZ
Postitusi: 74
Liitunud: P Mai 04, 2014 6:46 pm
Asukoht: Czech Republic

Re: W-SS Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod

Postitus Postitas Adam CZ »

Thank you for informations!

Photo was taken in front of school, street Jihlavská 628.

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 8257
Liitunud: P Aug 07, 2005 6:03 pm

Re: W-SS Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod

Postitus Postitas uscha »

1944. aasta mai alguses Deutsch-Brod'i määratute nimekiri. Erinevatest 20. SS väljaõpperügemendi kompaniidest kokku 48 meest, suurem osa või isegi kõik need mehed peaks olema ka eelnevalt postitatud grupipildil.
Kasutaja avatar
Adam CZ
Postitusi: 74
Liitunud: P Mai 04, 2014 6:46 pm
Asukoht: Czech Republic

Re: W-SS Sanitätsschule Deutsch-Brod

Postitus Postitas Adam CZ »

This is fantastic information for me. Thank you!

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