Otsing leidis 7 vastet

Postitas Andrey152
T Okt 24, 2017 7:19 am
Foorum: Esimene Maailmasõda 1914 - 1918/First World War 1914 - 1918
Teema: Operatsioon "Albion"
Vastuseid: 43
Vaatamisi: 70869

Re: Operatsioon "Albion"

Hello dear friends!

It's my article about an unknown hero of the Moonsoond battle - Jury Feldmann (Jaak Vendla)


Link to download:
Postitas Andrey152
T Okt 24, 2017 6:42 am
Foorum: Relvastus & Tehnika/Armament & Technics
Teema: Dateerimist vajav foto
Vastuseid: 8
Vaatamisi: 22226

Re: Dateerimist vajav foto

Это правое орудие первой башни батареи №1 на о. Аэгна. В "патронташе" хранились трубки (ударные и гальванические) для производства выстрела. Thanks, Andery. Do you have to show any of those "трубки" in close? There it is: http://s019.radikal.ru/i632/1710/36/5dc37cf03695.jpg
Postitas Andrey152
R Juun 16, 2017 12:28 am
Foorum: Relvastus & Tehnika/Armament & Technics
Teema: Dateerimist vajav foto
Vastuseid: 8
Vaatamisi: 22226

Re: Dateerimist vajav foto

Это правое орудие первой башни батареи №1 на о. Аэгна.
В "патронташе" хранились трубки (ударные и гальванические) для производства выстрела.
Postitas Andrey152
E Veebr 09, 2015 12:14 pm
Foorum: Eesti Wabariik 1918 - 1940/Republic of Estonia 1918 - 1940
Teema: Aegna Merekindlus
Vastuseid: 244
Vaatamisi: 318004

Re: Aegna Merekindlus

Please see a scheme - 2-105-mm to the links from ex-Russian battery #5 (Estonian #2, where were installed 130-mm guns).
I suppose do you know Maxim Truts from Tallinn? He is the main source to me about history of small batteries at Baltic.
His site is
Postitas Andrey152
E Veebr 09, 2015 5:54 am
Foorum: Eesti Wabariik 1918 - 1940/Republic of Estonia 1918 - 1940
Teema: Aegna Merekindlus
Vastuseid: 244
Vaatamisi: 318004

Re: Aegna Merekindlus

Andrey - thank You for posting that interesting article about coastal batteries in Aegna and Naissaar! Do You have any information 130 mm battery in Aegna? Did the Б-13 2С cannons locate in the same place where were the 130 mm Vickers cannons before the war? Three B-13 cannons were located by Germa...
Postitas Andrey152
P Veebr 08, 2015 1:50 pm
Foorum: Eesti Wabariik 1918 - 1940/Republic of Estonia 1918 - 1940
Teema: Aegna Merekindlus
Vastuseid: 244
Vaatamisi: 318004

Re: Aegna Merekindlus

Видимо, русский язык понятен для многих посетителей сайта, поэтому продолжу. Вторая моя статья рассказывает об истории 14-дм башен МКИПВ и их дальнейшем использовании с вооружением 12-дм пушками. http://s020.radikal.ru/i715/1502/06/3bb01095b442.jpg Ссылка на скачивание: https://yadi.sk/i/TBiRQ56leY4Yp
Postitas Andrey152
N Veebr 05, 2015 8:51 am
Foorum: Eesti Wabariik 1918 - 1940/Republic of Estonia 1918 - 1940
Teema: Aegna Merekindlus
Vastuseid: 244
Vaatamisi: 318004

Re: Aegna Merekindlus

Hello dear colleagues! This subject is very interesting for me. I've published in 2013-14 three articles about 12-inch, 14-inch and 8-inch batteries in the Russian magazine "Arsenal-collection". The first of them is about 12-inch batteries at islands Aegna and Naissaari Here it is: http://...

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